Take a Pause
Stop…take a breath and remember the reason for the season. Jesus…and celebrate the JOY He brought to the world this Christmas.
This time of year, we are challenged with extra events, family get togethers, practices for plays recitals and end of year procedures at work. We can also be enticed to eat extra treats and sweets, engage in potlucks, or eat bigger meals as we gather with friends and family.
I’d like to encourage you to PAUSE this year, during the rush-rush and hurry up, take a pause.
Plan to be bombarded with extra food choices and calorie rich foods. Set a personal goal to take a pause and create space before you mindlessly eat that treat.
Having thought out what you could do instead of impulsively eat the treat can help your quest to make wise choices with your food intake. The pause gives our minds that moment to snap out of mindless mode and remember the plan that is fitting with our personal goal. Evaluate the need for the treat; maybe the plan is splitting the treat, leaving half or ¾ for someone else or splitting it with a friend who has the same plan. Perhaps the plan is not taking the treat because your goal is to limit yourself to 3 treats in 7 days, and you already had one today. Perhaps you have a special dinner planned that is more calories than usual this week and your goal is not to have a dessert or a sugary snack all week so that you could enjoy this meal. Instead, you have brought satisfying snacks like apples and nut butter or raw almonds to work. You need to leave the break room, get your healthier snack, and utilize your pause. Or more times than we think, you decide you’re thirsty when you pause and get a glass of water because “grazing” and will not be satisfied by 1,2 or even 3 treats. Your goal is to drink a glass of water each time you are tempted, pause, and fill up your water bottle.
The pause gives us time to think before we act. Pause and plan!
So, create a realistic goal: PAUSE over one temptation each day (usually white and something sugary). Think about the sweet treat, the syrup in your coffee, or the extra cookie/donut that found its way into your home or office. There are tons of opportunities each meal/day to decrease sugar intake and make wise choices as you prepare to celebrate Jesus upcoming birthday.