Keeping Connections Strong
Chalk drawings on sidewalks in front of homes, public parking lots and roads offers hope to many people, including some you don’t’ know!
Social Well-Being is an important part of our overall well-being. The events of 2020 have made maintaining social wellness a challenge for everyone, even the most resilient people. We as a global society have been challenged to cope effectively. It is difficult when support networks at work, church, most businesses facing some sort of closure or shut down if they survived the initial pandemic closures. A workplace environment outside the home is no longer the norm for most. For those that did work at home prior, a new home environment has been created by a spouse’s invasion and being forced to work from home and children that are to attend virtual schooling. A once quiet home, with maybe one home office, has turned into a family at home, 24/7 or some sort of crazy rotation schedule with some children having a day off school each week. Don’t get me started on the pressures that creates for all parties and how our future generations are being taught even less, as well as losing the social interactions of school, whether it’s a first grader, a high school Junior or a college Sophomore – school is not a place of social interaction any longer.
Our social networks and connections have drastically changed, and we must adapt. Many who have poor coping skills or aren’t as flexible have the greatest difficulty with the changes. Extroverts that thrive from human connections are now not given the plethora of opportunities to connect and must settle for online coffee chats or a 6-foot distance to meet up for a lunch. Even the introvert who needs a hug (5 a day recommended!) is suffering because of social distancing and reduced opportunities to connect when they need a dose of human interaction. Remote life has created many new ways of living, some like the removal of a commute, the stress of a toxic work culture or the reduced running many families is positive. New, healthier habits have been developed like cooking at home, daily self-care with fitness or family activities or time with family they never had before. There are many silver linings to remote work, but we all handle the challenges of life differently. Many people have benefited from the slower pace of life, reduced spending of things like, gas, restaurants, and entertainment.
There has also been an increase in anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug use, domestic violence, and crime in general. Studies and statistics are behind and cannot give a true picture of what many people secretly are facing with job loss, too much togetherness or ineffective coping methods and addiction.
A world that lives without hope has nowhere to turn with most resources being turned to the treatment of Covid -19. Hope that was once a majority in people’s lives due to religious affiliation has now dwindled. Much of the world is in darkness of the Light of God and the True Hope that He can bring. It’s time for a revival, it’s time to bring hope to the hurting in a fresh new way. For those that are hurting, socially isolated and suffering from the lack of hope – we need to find new ways to reach out and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Meeting someone’s practical needs is a practical way we can help others.
Here are a few ways we can all bring kindness back, offer hope to the hurting and help those who are isolated and suffering.
· Neighborhood prayer walks, prayer in general
· Creating virtual small groups for connection
· Taking a walk, practicing social distancing and/or a mask with someone
· Snail mail cards
· Inviting someone to church (in person or virtual)
· Making a meal for someone and dropping it off, praying with them over that meal
· Offering a ride or transportation for a working parent when their child needs a pick-up
· Taking someone to an appointment that is alone, doesn’t drive (practicing social distancing and/or wearing a mask)
· Giving hugs liberally to those in your circle
· Listening! Just give people the chance to talk to you
· Chalk drawings on sidewalks, roads, public parking lots
· If you’re a leader, remind your staff to have boundaries. Offer them your trust and help them with the strain of working from home.
There are so many ways to offer hope in practical ways. Of course, some people need more than you can offer. But can’t we all benefit from human kindness and civility? That show’s hope for mankind, verses each interaction possibly one of racial tension, political tension or whether wearing a mask or not is the cure. God gave us two ears for a reason, to listen. And one mouth…
Connection is worth the extra effort and your time. Relationships and hope are essential moving forward in life – pandemic or not. If you need to connect, feel free to reach me at: I’d love to partner with your on this journey we call “life on earth”.